Springdale, SC (Paul Kirby) – Several weeks ago, Representative Micah Caskey said via social media, “I can barely believe it, either, but work is finally underway on Wilton Road!” In that post, he was referring to repair work on the pond dam on Wilton Road in Springdale. It washed out 5 years ago during the floods of 2015. Because the dam burst, Wilton Road was completely closed from that point to present day.
The SCDOT said they were powerless to do anything because the owner of the dam was unclear. That had to be resolved. There were informational meetings, progress reports, closed door planning sessions, and lots of upset people over those 5 years. Every politician tried his best to push the project along, but it seemed as if they were pushing a 100-car freight train.
Mayor Michael Bishop of Springdale called it, “A disgusting eyesore that everyone wishes someone would do something about,” while Fire Department officials and law enforcement agencies called it a safety matter. Still, it wouldn’t be rushed. For all those reasons, people are both excited and amazed that dirt is moving and repairs are finally underway.
There’s been no word on the expected completion date but as Caskey said, “Work is finally underway!”