Lexington, S.C. – The Lexington Chamber and Visitors Center along with the Columbia Chamber have created a pledge for businesses to reopen responsibly during COVID-19.
By taking this pledge, businesses declare that they will be taking steps based upon guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) to:
promote social distancing
limit capacity
monitor the health of employees
clean frequently
encourage face covering & hand sanitizing
Businesses can take the pledge at www.lexingtonsc.org where they will receive the poster to place throughout their store.
Lexington Chamber President and CEO Otis Rawl has confidence in the local businesses and their efforts. “In many ways, businesses have been operating with many of the guidelines in place regarding sanitization and social distancing. This pledge reiterates their commitment to the public and their employees.”
The Chamber will have posters available at its location and will be able to deliver posters to those local businesses that pledge to reopen responsibly.
Businesses can find updated COVID-19 resources from the CDC and DHEC at http://www.lexingtonsc.org/covid-19-resources-for-businesses.