Lexington, SC - The Lexington County Joint Municipal Water and Sewer Commission said in a statement Thursday that they were pleased to announce the release of its Water Quality Reports for the calendar year 2019. The reports, which are mandated by an amendment to the Safe Drinking Water Act, provide important details about the quality of the drinking water provided to communities served by the JMWSC.
As customers read the report, they will find that, once again, their drinking water met or exceeded the standards for safety and quality as set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Of particular note are JMWSC’s test results for lead and copper, a top national water quality concern, which show trace levels at sample sites meeting the Lead and Copper Rule criteria. These sites are homes with known lead and/or copper plumbing fixtures. The tests taken during 2019 show lead levels at 0.007 to 0.06 parts per billion. For comparison, the EPA’s Action Level for lead under its Lead and Copper Rule is 15 parts per billion.
The full reports are available on the Commission’s website – www.lcjmwsc.com – and in print by request. Customers can click on the graphic found on the home page. The direct link is direct link is http://lcjmwsc.com/2019-water-quality-report.
The JMWSC said in their release Thursday that they would also like to take this opportunity to remind their customers that COVID-19 does not impact the safety of the drinking water. The water treatment processes used for JMWSC’s finished water remove or inactivate the virus.
“The impacts of COVID-19 have highlighted how essential the safety of our drinking water is to our way of life,” said Jay Nicholson, General Manager of the Joint Municipal Water and Sewer Commission. “The people of the JMWSC and our water provider – City of West Columbia – conduct thousands of water tests a year to make sure our customers drink safe, clean, and dependable water.”
The City of West Columbia processes and distributes to the JMWSC, which then delivers the treated drinking water to their customers. The JMWSC’s Water Quality Reports for 2019 detail the water sources and treatment processes used to provide clean drinking water. JMWSC and West Columbia’s highly trained, state-certified water treatment operators and maintenance technicians work around the clock to insure a safe, high quality, and reliable product.
The reports have been direct mailed to all customers and are available at the office and upon request. To receive a copy by mail, please contact Stephanie Morton at (803) 359-8373.
For more information about the JMWSC’s work to ensure its water quality, please visit www.lcjmwsc.com and click on Water under Departments.