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Calling all anti-abortion advocates!

Lexington, SC 01/26/2001 (Paul Kirby) – The Lexington County Republican Party has put out an urgent call for help! According to an email from its leadership, The Heartbeat Bill has passed out of full committee and is headed to the Senate floor today. Now that doesn't mean debate will begin and end tomorrow–this will just be the first day.

What, some may ask, is The Heartbeat Bill? In South Carolina, for several years, legislatures have been trying to pass this significant legislation regarding when a fetus is considered alive. It’s very basic really. If passed, any fetus or unborn baby that has a heartbeat would be considered a person in South Carolina. That child with its beating heart could not be terminated by an abortion. Each time it's been passed in the house it's stalled in the state senate.

In his email, Craig Caldwell, the chairman of the Lexington County Republican Party said, “This is where the rubber hits the road. Some of our state senators still need persuading–they need to hear from you directly.”

Craig and the other leaders of the Republican Party along with all opponents of abortion are urging you to call or email your state senator this morning, and the rest of this week. They want you to do your part to let your legislatures know how you feel about this issue. They are asking that everyone work together and vote YES to the Heartbeat Bill.

To find your state senator and their contact information follow this link. Then, make your voice heard loud and clear. A heartbeat is a life!

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(803) 587-3144

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