West Columbia, SC - Airport High School and Brookland-Cayce High School opened their doors to community families for two favorite annual Halloween events, drawing nearly 2,500 attendees to enjoy free trick-or-treating and other activities.
At Airport, trick-or-treaters collected candy at decorated stations around the school, with a tattoo booth, crafts, face painting, stickers and games also offered as part of the evening’s activities. At Brookland-Cayce High, cars were lined up and ready for Trunk or Treat fun, in which costumed trick-or-treaters collected candy from students in cars and trucks decorated for the Halloween season.
The two Halloween events, held Oct. 26-27, have become favorite annual traditions that are open to community families, with Lexington Two high school students organizing and working the events, along with faculty and staff from both schools and other community volunteers.
