The Lexington Ledger
All Digital Community News

Cayce / West Columbia, Springdale, South Congaree, Pine Ridge, Three Fountains,
Boiling Springs, Gaston, Swansea, Pelion, Sharpe's Hill, Mack Edisto, Edmund, Fairview, Samaria, Batesburg-Leesville, The Ridge, Hollow Creek, Summit, Gilbert,
Lexington, Oak Grove, Red Bank/White Knoll, Chapin, Irmo and Lake Murray!
Affidavit Of Publication
The below listed vehicles have been abandoned in Calhoun County and are currently housed with the company listed below. Pursuant to applicable South Carolina Law, the owner and or lien holder has the right to claim the motor vehicle within thirty (30) days after the date of the notice upon payment of all towing, preservation, and storage charges resulting from placing the vehicle in custody. The failure of the owner and or lien holder to exercise their right to reclaim the vehicle with the time provided it is deemed as a waiver by the owner and or lien holder of all rights, title, interest, in the vehicle and consent to the sale of the vehicle at public auction. If not reclaimed within the time period outlined above the vehicle may be disposed of according to state law.
** These cars are not for sale we are trying to find the owners**
2004 Nissan Maxima 1N4BA441E14C916395
1999 Saab YS3EF48E3X3074719
2021 Hyundai Elantra 5NPL54AG9MH023053
2014 Chevy Cruze 1G1PA5SSH1E7358730
2014 Chrysler 300 2C3CCARG9EH381686
2012 Chevy Malibu 1G1ZD5EU1CF158152
2011 Toyota Camery 4T1BF3EK6BU721322
1998 Dodge Dakota 1B7GL22X5W5678400
2006 Nissan Altima 1N4AL11D96C226831
2007 Hyundai Sonata 5NPEU46F67H204179
Baker Brothers.
Sydney Baker
Posted: 01/08/2025