Lexington, S.C. (Paul Kirby) – On Thursday, August 29, 2019, the SC Department of Transportation (SCDOT) will hold a drop-in style meeting to let the public review and discuss changes proposed for a key intersection near Lexington. The information session will be from 5-7 p.m. at New Providence Elementary School located at 1118 Old Cherokee Road in Lexington, SC. The intersection being discussed is at Old Cherokee Road at Pilgrim Church Road and Catawba Trail.
During the session, the public will be able to browse through displays and ask questions. SCDOT staffers will be on hand to help understand the proposed improvements and answer questions. Citizens can also provide written comments. Formal or verbal comments are not allowed during these meetings. The SCDOT also wants to hear from the public or interested organizations regarding information on historic or cultural resources in the area.
The SCDOT proposes a realignment of the intersection at Pilgrim Church Road and Catawba Trail creating a traditional 4-legged intersection with new left and right turn lanes. They also plan to install a traffic signal there.
Additional information concerning the project may be obtained by contacting Brett McCutchan, SCDOT Program Manager at 803-737-1564 in Columbia. You can also e-mail: McCutchaBJ@scdot.org. All the information, including meeting material, will also be available on the project’s website at this LINK. or by accessing SCDOTs website www.scdot.org and then navigating to Public Involvement Portal- Current Projects.
Persons with disabilities who want to attend and may require special accommodations should contact Ms. Betty Gray at 803-737-1395.