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Lexington County Sheriff’s Department detectives turns to public for help after grocery store assaul

Red Bank, SC - Detectives with the Lexington County Sheriff’ Department are asking for the public’s help trying to track down the identity of a man accused of assaulting a woman. This happened in the parking lot of the Food Lion in Red Bank earlier in November.

The suspect was caught on video entering the store. He appears to be a Caucasian or Hispanic heritage with facial hair. He was wearing a blue, Carhart style hooded jacket and a dark blue or black toboggan type hat. His pants have what looks like paint stains on them. He could be a painter or have painted something white recently. It looks like he might also have had work gloves in his hand. He’s obviously very nervous and paces back and forth looking out the store front.

Report tips anonymously to: You may be eligible for a reward.

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(803) 587-3144

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