West Columbia, SC - Airport High School’s varsity cheerleaders took one of the top spots at the 2nd annual SC High School League Game Day Invitational. The Eagles squad won 1st place in Crowd Leading in the 4A Division at the event. It was held January 25 at USC-Aiken Convocation Center.
Guidelines for competitors in the category included no music and a one-minute time limit on performances. Among other competition categories were Fight Song and Band Chant.
The High School League launched the Game Day Invitational as a way to “highlight the talent, energy and team spirit sideline cheerleaders display with every performance,” according to its website.
Airport High team members who competed include Lena Barrs, Lexi Bertwell, Kelsie Bryant, Sydney Evans, Taylor Gooding, Nyra Jenkins, Shy’da Lloyd, Aniyah Nottingham, Ally Phillips, Madison Rucker, Janiah Scott, Emerson Senterfeit, Kylie Siedschlag, Sally Skinner, Gracie Spires, Emily Sulser, Camryn Turner, Jada Twymon-Pelzer, Cydney Williams and Hannah Williams. Coaches are Beth Ruff and Jenifer Gooding.