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Historical Cayce Smokehouse opens on February 22nd with unveiling of Big Red and Chili Cook-Off

Cayce, SC - The Cayce Historical Museum will be opening its new Smokehouse exhibit on Saturday, February 22nd at 10:00 AM. To kick off the day of festivities, the City Museum will also officially unveil the newly restored 1936 City of Cayce firetruck, “Big Red,” and host a Chili Cook-Off! All of this will be packed into the one day of fun, food, anticipation, and excitement!

To make sure that everything goes smoothly, and everything fits seamlessly into one action packed day, Cayce has carefully choreographed a schedule allowing time for everything. It all begins at 10:00 a.m. and continues as follows:

  • 10:00 AM – Cayce Historical Museum Opens Smokehouse Exhibit

  • Noon – Chili Judging Begins and Public Tastings Follows

  • 1:30 PM - Cayce Department Chili Cook-Off Winner Announced

The Cayce Smokehouse is an 18th or 19th Century structure that was moved to the City of Cayce in the 1990’s. This exhibit will showcase how food was preserved before refrigeration by the four main methods of drying, smoking, pickling, and fermenting.

The Cayce Chili Cook-Off will be a fun competition between different City of Cayce departments. Judging the chili will be members of the Cayce City Council and Cayce's Municipal Judges. Tastings will be ready after Judges sample at noon. You can purchase two tastings for the Chili-Cook Off for $5.00 for each adult and $3.00 for each child. Additional tastings will be available for purchase, and all proceeds will be used as a donation to the Cayce Historical Museum.

Big Red is the City of Cayce's first fire engine purchased in 1937. The 1936 REO model truck was used almost 20 years by the City, then sold to a small town here in South Carolina. Recently refurbished by the Cayce Historical Museum, Big Red will be a centerpiece of the Museum's ongoing public safety exhibit.

You can stay up-to-date with the City of Cayce and the Cayce Historical Museum by visiting our website,, and following the City on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The Museum is already packed full of displays that will take you back to the time when Native Americans roamed the banks of the Congaree hunting and fishing for their food. It is a wonderful place to visit to discover more about the history of an important area of our state dating back thousands of years. It is located within the cluster of buildings at the Cayce Municipal Complex at 1800 12th Street in Cayce.

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