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Lexington Police Department’s approach to three-part social media accident post meant to inform and

Lexington, SC (Paul Kirby) – The Lexington Police Department has adapted their use of social media post to include three parts regarding a single accident. These posts not only inform motorists of where a collision has occurred, but also helps educate other drivers about the causes of crashes. This manner of using their widely followed social media pages not only helps you avoid congested areas; the department informs its followers about what caused the crash so drivers will hopefully avoid the bad habits that often cause collisions.

Many agencies use social media to identify where a collision has occurred. This provides motorists with information so they can detour around the congested area. This information is particularly helpful in already clogged corridors like Lexington’s portion of Sunset Boulevard. While the incident location information is very helpful, officers with the Lexington Police Department carry their information policy two steps further.

Once a crash has been cleared away and traffic is beginning to move again, Lexington PD makes a second post so that motorists know their normal route is back open and traffic is beginning to flow again. This step lessens congestion on the alternate routes as drivers return to roads and streets they’re most familiar with. This also helps ensure the detours themselves don’t become a problem rather than be a part of the solution.

Lastly, after officers have investigated a collision, Lexington PD informs motorists via social media what they found to be the cause of the collision. This isn’t done to shame the at fault driver, instead it’s more of a look-in-a-mirror for everyone. If other drivers read the cause of collisions and realizes they often operate in the same unsafe manner, police hope the reality of an accident’s cause will help drivers decide they’re going to change their habits. If they don’t, the next picture of a vehicle in the middle of a twisted pile in a Lexington street could be theirs’.

Whether a driver failed to yield, was using their cell phone, or going over the posted speed limit, the reality of being involved in a collision is very sobering. The fact that an occupant of your vehicle may be hurt, your main means of transportation could be out of action, or the possibility of a hefty fine may be just the medicine that cures your bad habit.

According to Corporal Cameron Mortenson of the Lexington Police Department, “Over 100,000 vehicles pass through the Town of Lexington each day so keeping traffic moving is paramount. Using social media about a collision location gives drivers a heads-up so that they can change their commute to get around quicker.”

Corporal Mortenson went on to say, “There is an idea that ‘accidents’ are unavoidable, but what we find 99% of the time, the collision was preventable with an alert driver behind the wheel. Following too closely, which is often caused by distracted driving along with impatience with speeding and running red lights cause the majority of the collisions in the Town of Lexington.”

“Improving Traffic Safety is one part of our four-part LPD Strategic Plans and with nearly 1,600 collisions that occurred in 2019, we remain focused on the when, why and where collisions happen in the Town of Lexington and are constantly working to bring those numbers down,” concluded Corporal Mortenson

You can follow the Town of Lexington’s Police Department on both Facebook and Twitter to keep up with their traffic reports.

Photo courtsey of Lexington Police Department's Facebook page

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