Lexington, SC (Paul Kirby) – Since the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) is now investigating several cases of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus in South Carolina, Lexington County School District One has sent parents a note that’s intended to calm them and help them teach their children precautions to protect them from the contagious virus.
In its note, the District said they are continuing to monitor the situation closely. They are however, working to develop a plan to reduce the risk to faculty, staff, students, and visitors from contracting the illness.
The District has already held a meeting with their schools’ head custodians and maintenance staff. During that meeting, they reviewed the need to clean daily all commonly touched surfaces with an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered disinfectant.
District One leans heavily on the National Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) for guidance. In line with CDC guidance, with input from DHEC, neither recommend limiting travel within the United States, closing schools, or canceling public events at this time. District One continues to make individual travel decisions based on their guidance. Parents always have the right to make the best decision for their children.
DHEC also coordinates with school nurses to monitor absentee rates in schools, as well as to report illness in the community. This can also help determine if and when they recommend closures of schools or the curtailment of activities.
District One has created a webpage specifically for the purpose of keeping parents and families informed. This site includes links to information from the CDC and other agencies/organizations that you might find helpful. This is a link to that webpage.
The District’s administration is asking that as this goes on, parents and students help to stop the spread of rumors and inaccurate information. In their note they said, “Quite frankly, we need your help. It is more important now than ever that you and your children do not pass on things you hear whether through social media or messaging apps.”
The District urges parents and guardians to keep their children at home when they run a fever higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit before you give them Tylenol, Motrin or other appropriate fever-reducing medication. Once your child’s fever breaks and your child no longer has a fever (without Tylenol or another product in his/her system), they ask you keep that child home for another 24 hours. They have also reminded their staff members that these guidelines apply to them, too.
By using commonsense, everyday actions that protect people from any type of respiratory virus, this new virus can hopefully be kept in check.
Here is a list of things you should do to prevent the spread of all diseases and illnesses:
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Avoid touching our eyes, nose, or mouth.
Stay home when sick.
Cough or sneeze into our elbow or use a tissue and put it in the trash immediately.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Avoid contact with sick people.
Get a flu shot.
The note finished by reading, “Please consult your physician if you have any concerns regarding your
child’s or your situation. Thank you for helping us keep our students and staff healthy.”