Lexington, SC - The Lexington County Register of Deed’s Office and the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department want to make residents aware of a mail scam that has been targeting residents who have federal liens against their property.
The scam tells its recipients that they must pay overdue debts on their property to the Federal Tax Authority or face punishments such as garnishment of the recipient’s bank account and wages and also threatens property seizure, according to Tina Guerry, the Lexington County Register of Deeds.
“It is made to look like the letter came from the Lexington County Public Judgement Records division, which does not exist,” Guerry said. “In real-world cases, the IRS will utilize in-person notification for property seizure and does not mail out property seizure notices to any U.S. citizen.”
Residents should remember that the IRS does not demand that people use a specific payment method, such as a prepaid debit card, gift card or wire transfer, and does not ask for card information over the phone. Additionally, the IRS does not demand immediate tax payment and does not threaten to bring in local police, immigration officers or other law enforcement agencies to arrest people for not paying.
Residents who receive a notification that demands payment for unpaid debts or threatens property seizure should contact the Lexington County Register of Deed’s Office Customer Service line at (803) 785-8168.
Residents can also report a scam directly to the IRS by utilizing their website: https://www.treasury.gov/tigta/contact_report_scam.shtml