Lexington, SC - The RADIUS CHURCH leadership team sent an e-mail Tuesday detailing how they are handling their response to the COVID-19 coronavirus. As with other churches, they are making some modifications to their operations to continue to spread God's word while complying with the No Group Meetings Over 10 mandate.
That e-mail read, In the coming weeks the RADIUS CHURCH campuses will all be altering their regular operations just as its congregants have in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their staff and elders are working to find ways to best care for their churches and continue to spread the messages of Jesus. In this week's RADIUS [extended cut] podcast, RADIUS leadership discussed this past Sunday. Specifically they addressed RADIUS' leadership's decision-making process: to close down their physical services and adopt an online-only approach to church for the near future. They also discussed God's activity in the world right now and how believers can capitalize on the despair that seems to reign by proclaiming hope in Jesus. They also talk about the plan going forward for RADIUS Church as they, along with everyone else, begin to live in a 'new normal'. To watch or listen to the podcast, click here. You can also scroll down for a recap of what they discussed.
To recap:
Live streaming Services- For at least the next 3 weeks RADIUS will not host services at their campuses on Sunday morning or Thursday evening. Instead, they will deliver service content via video at 9, 10 and 11:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. They will be adding worship to these services. This is a unique opportunity for them to deepen their faith and be the body even if they are not physically together. Buildings- All RADIUS Church buildings are closed. This includes buildings used for small groups or other meetings. The church staff is still working and available so feel free to reach out to your campus pastors. Small Groups- RADIUS small groups will not meet this week. They are working on a virtual option and will have an update soon! RADIUS Kids- Their desire is that they will be able to give parents the content that kids are learning at RADIUS. They will have a landing page soon with information and tools. This is another unique opportunity to teach your kids about Jesus. RADIUS Students- There will be no official RADIUS Student activities until further notice. Again, their leadership team is working on a way to keep students connected, similar to groups, in a healthy way. As everyone's schedules have slowed and people are spending more time at home, their prayer is that everyone will use this time to gather around the table with the members of their households and love your radius. Their message ended by sating, "Our God has been faithful in the past. He is faithful today and He will be faithful in the future."
To learn more about the RADIUS CHURCH family of churches, go to their main website at radiuschurch.org