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Election Commission encourages curbside voters to vote by absentee ballot

Lexington, SC – Lexington County has taken to social media to let people know that the S.C. Voters Registration and Elections Commission is asking citizens who are 65 or older or have a physical handicapped to use absentee voting through the mail if possible. Some of these voters often cast their ballot curbside, but this year, they want as many as possible to take advantage of absentee voting in the June 9th primary.

In their post, a spokesman for Lexington County wrote the following: The June elections will soon be here, and you will have your chance to voice your opinion with your most powerful tool, your vote!

For those voters who would normally vote curbside, those who are 65 or older or have physical disability, the S.C. Voters Registration and Elections Commission is encouraging that you go ahead and order an absentee ballot. This can be accomplished by visiting

If you know of a neighbor or loved one that needs this information, please direct them to this website to let them know.

They finished by saying, “Let your voice be heard. Cast your vote!”

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