Lexington, SC – Lexington County School District One sent a message to its students' parents Wednesday notifying them of the 2020 end of the school year dates. They have been participating in e-Learning since SC Governor Henry McMaster ordered all SC schools closed and then announced on April 20th that South Carolina schools would remain closed for the rest of the school year.
In that message, the chief communications officer of Lexington County School District One wrote:
As Lexington County School District One closes out the rest of the year, here is a recap of important dates and deadlines.
Monday, May 4 — Final instructional packet pick-up day
Parents of elementary students will drive to their child’s elementary school, wait in line, and pick up the final instructional packet, as well as a bag with their child’s personal belongings and other items. Elementary principals will communicate with parents and let them know their schools’ pick-up times. This process will vary from school to school.

Friday, May 15 — Seniors’ last day for completing work in credit-bearing courses
Friday, May 22 — Last day of distance learning
This is the last day of distance learning and e-Learning for students in Pre-K through Grade 11.
May 22 is also students’ last day for exams in Advanced Placement courses.
Monday, May 25 — Memorial Day and a school holiday
Tuesday, May 26–Friday, May 29 — Last week of school
Schools will focus on mental wellness, virtual fun activities, and completing make-up work.
Friday, May 29 — Last day of school
Friday, June 5 — Schools mail student report cards.
Their message ended by advising students that their students' individual schools will communicate with parents and students about how and when to return instructional materials, including textbooks, uniforms, library books, and other school related items before the end of school.