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West Columbia firefighters joined by two other departments to rescue innertubers from river trip

West Columbia, SC (Paul Kirby) - The West Columbia Fire Department’s river rescue that occurred mid-day Tuesday ended with a positive outcome. The Swift Water Team from West Columbia, along with first responders from the Lexington County Fire Service and the City of Columbia FD, rescued a group of people on innertubes from the river after a day in the sun and water went bad.

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911 telecommunicators dispatched the call after someone in the group dialed 911. While enroute, firefighters were told that a person had turned their innertube over dumping that member of their group into the icy water of the Saluda River. Before arriving on scene, West Columbia requested assistance from the Lexington County Swift Water and Special Rescue Team stationed off Riverchase Way at Corley Mill. Shortly after WCFD arrived at the river, they also asked that the City of Columbia Fire Department be notified to join in the search for the tubers that were being swiftly swept along by the current.

Eventually, all the tubers and three dogs were located, brought to shore, and rescued from the water by the firefighters. No one was injured during this incident.

PICTURE: West Columbia FD

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