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Motorcyclist seriously injured in accident Monday afternoon

Lake Murray, SC (Paul Kirby) – A motorcyclist was seriously injured in a crash on US Hwy. 378 near Shore Road Monday. The accident occurred around 4:00 p.m.

Personnel from Lexington County’s EMS and the fire service responded to the accident. Once they realized the seriousness of the biker’s injuries, they requested that a LifeNet medical helicopter launch and fly to a nearby landing zone. Another fire crew had been dispatched to that location to make sure the landing zone was safe and provide fire guard for the helicopter as it landed and took off again.

EMS transported the patient to that area by ground before turning his care over to the helicopter’s crew. The injured cyclist was transported to the Trauma Center at Prisma’s Palmetto Richland Campus.

The condition of the patient is not available. His medical information is protected by federal healthcare privacy laws.

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