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City of Cayce issues a new face covering ordinance

Cayce, SC – Members of the Cayce City Council unanimously adopted an updated face covering ordinance at the August 19, 2020 City Council Meeting.

Recent reports have shown that wearing a mask in public has decreased the chances of transferring the COVID-19 virus. A study done by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), states that “the jurisdictions with mask requirements have shown a 46.3% greater decrease in the total number of cases during the four weeks after the requirements were implemented.”

Additionally, to support teachers, students and school staff, City Council added the provisions from the SC Department of Education (SCDOE) and Superintendent Molly Spearman’s mandate for face coverings on buses and in public school facilities.

Cayce is the first local government to include the SCDOE mandate language in their face covering requirements for schools within the Cayce City Limits.

Mayor Elise Partin stated, “Wearing masks is working. Including, in our ordinance, the important mandate from Superintendent Spearman is an added layer of protection for our Cayce students, teachers and all who work in our school settings. For all of us, continuing to do a great job wearing masks is a wonderful way to support our students and teachers and keep them healthy and in school.”

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