West Columbia, SC 07/08/2021 - Nominations are mow being accepted for the Airport High School Athletic Hall of Fame. They will continue to be accepted through August 16, 2021
The Airport High School Eagle Club established the Athletic Hall of Fame in 2004 to recognize the accomplishments of former athletes and coaches. In order to be eligible for the Athletic Hall of Fame, nominees must have graduated from Airport High School a minimum of ten years prior to the current year.

Candidates may be male or female that excelled in any organized, competitive athletic events while at Airport. Athletic events, teams and/or activities to be included are: basketball, cross-country, track, football, golf, soccer, baseball, bowling, tennis, volleyball, wrestling, cheerleading, softball, athletic trainer (this list is not all-inclusive). Coaches of these activities/teams also will be eligible candidates under different criteria from graduated student-athletes (GSA).
Nomination forms are available at Airport High School, 1315 Boston Avenue in West Columbia, or Lexington School District Two’s District Education Center, 715 Ninth Street, West Columbia. Forms are also available on-line – www.ahs.lex2.org 2021 Athletic Hall of Fame Nomination Form.
For more information, contact Dannette Bickley, dannette@lex2.org.
