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Conservative Christian Zoe Warren to run for SC State Senate District 23 as a Republican

Lexington, SC 04/05/2024 (Paul Kirby) – Zoe Warren, who describes himself as a conservative Christian, has filed to run as a Republican for SC State Senate District 23. That seat is currently held by Katrina F. Shealy who has indicated that she will run for re-election in the June primary.

Warren, a father and husband, has spent years as a missionary, traveling around the globe to mission fields in Pakistan and the Philippines. He, his wife Victoria, and their three children live in Lexington where they have also served full time at the local mission Christ Central Ministries in Columbia.

“We worked with the poor and socially disadvantaged,” Warren says, “while training believers to do the works that Jesus commanded all disciples to do. It has been one of the most rewarding periods of my life.”

Warren is also a veteran, having served in the United States Navy. “Like so many others who have joined the Navy since our nation’s founding, I wanted to see the world. I found that experience awesome and eye-opening,” he says.

In a campaign marked by passion and religious fervor, Warren casts himself in the role of crusader against what he terms dangerous trends in national affairs, many pushed by a Federal Government with an increasingly progressive, liberal agenda. “Many of these issues do not reflect the feelings of most South Carolinians, yet the Federal Government tried to force those issues on our state,” he says.

“The Federal Government has created a sort of racketeering scheme; a quid pro quo where they will provide funding for things, but the cost of compliance is too high. They demand that we forsake our traditional values to participate. They incentivize the implementation of garbage social policies like ESG, DEI, and Hate Crime legislation that trample the highly American values of equal justice, innocent until proven guilty, and judging by the content of a person’s character rather than the color of their skin, sex, etc.”

He noted that many states, especially predominantly Republican ones, have been confronting these laws by passing legislation that will allow for the people of those states to decide for themselves about these controversial, often progressive issues.

For example, Warren is 100 % pro-life, believing that all children, whether born or unborn, are a precious gift from God and are deserving of protection from time of conception.

Warren is also a strong supporter of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. He believes the right to self-defense is a gift from God, protected by the Constitutional guarantee of the right to “keep and bear arms.” If elected to the South Carolina Senate, he has pledged to be a staunch defender of gun rights and all rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

He also opposes using schools as centers of social experimentation. He pointed out how the Left has made great headway with their agenda by using schools to promote radical programs like Critical Race Theory. Tax money, he says, should be spent helping children learn basics and not to support what he terms “radical social indoctrination.”

Warren says he will never support policies which expose children to harmful progressive ideas such as allowing biological males access to the girls’ locker rooms, or allowing radical medical treatments and sex-change surgeries to be performed on minor children.

He feels another danger to childhood education arises from parents’ being systematically removed from having a say in the educational process. He strongly favors removing all barriers to parents making decisions about how and where their children are educated.

“The basic problem here is that educrats don’t want parents to have any real voice in the educational process in public schools. This is wrong, it’s evil, and we have got to reverse this,” he says.

Warren believes in reduced government spending and a smaller government. He says that every year, the legislature finds a way to accumulate ever more tax money and spend every penny of it. One of the ways they do this is by granting big giveaways to major corporations. If elected, Warren says he will fight to lower taxes for all South Carolina families and employers while reducing the size of government.

“We see that year after year, South Carolina increases the state budget, with little or no oversight of the many state agencies that carry out the day-to-day functions of government. There is so much waste and fraud,” he says, pointing to recent news reports of $1.8 billion in revenues that state accountants cannot account for. “They don’t know where the money came from, or where it’s supposed to be going. I find that rather shocking.”

He also faults the state government for exerting too much power in making decisions for the people of South Carolina, citing the mandatory lockdowns in South Carolina during the recent Covid epidemic.

“South Carolina needs a Senator who will not sit quietly while bureaucrats intimidate citizens into lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations. One of the first things I will do in the Senate is launch an investigation into how these decisions were made and who made them,” he says, “We have to realize Covid, or something like it, could occur again and we cannot repeat the same mistakes we made in 2020 and 2021.”

Warren is opposed to South Carolina’s current “open primaries” law which allows Democrats to legally participate in choosing the republican nominee. He says this is usually done to weaken support for a strong conservative candidate by diluting the vote so that a weaker, more liberal candidate can prevail.

“The weaker candidate may be someone who has no intention of supporting Republican principles and can even be a Democrat themselves. The legislature refuses to change this loophole because many legislators benefit from this practice. If elected, changing this rule will be one of my top priorities.”

A strong advocate of election integrity, Warren says that he would work to get South Carolina out of the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) system and require hand-marked paper ballots.

“These electronic systems can lead to so much voter fraud. Getting back to hand-marked paper ballots will eliminate at least most of this and truly restore integrity and honesty to our elections,’ he says.

The flood of Illicit Fentanyl in our communities and the deaths resulting from Illicit Fentanyl poisoning is a problem Warren feels very strongly about, and he pledges a fight to end this scourge. “I had a friend and coworker who recently died from Illicit Fentanyl poisoning. She took something   that had been laced with Illicit Fentanyl, and it killed her. So I take this personally. It’s ruining communities and taking the lives of our citizens.”

You can follow and make contributions to Zoe Warren on his website at You can also LIKE and FOLLOW his Facebook page at


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