Cayce, SC (Paul Kirby) - On Saturday, October 2nd, 2020, four law enforcement professionals from the City of Cayce’s Department of Public Safety participated in a unique shooting competition. They shot as a team in a South Carolina Law Enforcement Officers’ Association sponsored shooting competition known as the Lumberjack Match.
In a Lumberjack match, the four separate shooters of a team fire three distinct weapons that officers may be called to rely on during their day-to-day patrol activities. Those are a sidearm or pistol, a shotgun, and a patrol rifle. Each has its own distinct job but in the hands of a trained professional, each can be just as effective in accomplishing their purpose as the other. Each team’s targets a 4” x 4” wooden post. Using all three of the aforementioned weapons, the team members shoot at the post until it’s completely cut in half. The team that accomplishes this in the shortest amount of time wins.
As they have in many competitions in the past, the team from the Cayce Department of Public Safety brought home first place. They have a tradition of being winners and often bring home prizes and awards form shooting competitions that have included plaques and trophies, custom pistols and other firearms, and useful law enforcement accessories.
The annual Lumberjack Match is held at the South Carolina Law Enforcement Officers’ Association range at the Sawmill Training Complex. Cayce was represented in the 2021 competition by Sergeant First Class E. Antley, EMD Coordinator J. Harlow, Investigator W. Dugall, and Mike Gooding.
The South Carolina Law Enforcement Officers’ Association uses money raised during this event for additional training, to fund scholarships, to defray the cost of their Annual Law Enforcement Officers’ Memorial Service, and to assist departments and families after a line of duty death.
*Pictured below L-R. SFC E. Antley, EMD Coordinator J. Harlow and Inv. W. Dougall with Mike Gooding.