Red Bank, SC 06/18/2021 (Paul Kirby) – An outbuilding caught fire and was destroyed on Daralynn Drive off South Lake Drive Wednesday evening. The fire that was reported about 6:45 p.m. also damaged an adjacent structure.
Firefighters rushed to the scene from across central and southern Lexington County. Additional equipment had to be dispatched on this call because there are no fire hydrants on Daralynn. In order to have a steady flow of water, firefighters used additional trucks to shuttle water back and forth between a hydrant on South Lake Drive and the burning buildings. The water supply operation stopped traffic on South Lake Drive for a period as the firefighters were working.
The primary structure, described by fire officers as an approximately 30’x40’ outbuilding, was completely destroyed as it was fully involved on arrival of the first fire equipment. The second exposed outbuilding also caught fire but the extent of the damages to that have not been released.
