Swansea, SC 07/22/2021 (Paul Kirby) – There’s a new volunteer group in the Town of Swansea that is working hard to showcase the good things that are in and happen in the little town. They call themselves Promoting Swansea SC (PSSC) and have already set themselves up as a public group on Facebook.
PSSC has already developed a Mission Statement of sorts. They say they are a grassroots, all volunteer organized, totally unfunded group of individuals and business owners. They have formed because they love the great Town of Swansea and want to help promote it so that will thrive and grow.
On Friday, July 23, 2021, the group is holding a FREE and family friendly Meet & Eat. It will begin at 6:00 and continue until 8:00 p.m. They plan to have this at the L.O. Rast Park on West 2nd Street just across from the Bi-Rite store.
Organizers say they are planning to serve hot dogs with all the trimming, chips, drinks, and local melons. There will also be activities like kid’s crafts, giveaways, and lots of fellowship. With all the negative publicity that the town has receive recently, this group thinks that now is the perfect time to point out to people what a wonderful place the Town of Swansea can be.
All local businesses and citizens are invited and encouraged to attend and join the group free of charge. During the Meet & Eat, businesses can not set up shop and sell items, but they are welcome to have a small display that can help promote their businesses. If they like, they can hand out menus, promotional products, or information, and make new contacts that can help grow the business.
There is no electricity for the displays, but you are welcome to bring your own table, folding chairs, and other things you think you may need. The organizers also ask that you consider donating a gift certificate or some small item for the door prize giveaways.
For more information or to get in touch with the organizers of the Promoting Swansea SC group, look on Facebook.
