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Habitat For Humanity-Central SC ReStore sponsoring Blood Connection Blood Drive March 26th

West Columbia, SC 03/16/2022 (Paul Kirby) – The Habitat For Humanity-Central SC ReStore will be holding a blood drive in connection with The Blood Connection on Saturday, March 26th, 2022 from 1-4 p.m. It will be held in the ReStore retail outlet located at 2614 Augusta Road, West Columbia, SC. This is across from the West Columbia branch of the Lowe’s Home Improvement Store on US Hwy 1 (Augusta Road) near the I-26 interchange.

Click on our ad and LIKE & FOLLOW the ReStore on Facebook for all the best deals

It’s easy for you to sign up to give and right now, all types of blood are greatly needed. On the attached graphic, there is a QR Code you can scan and then search CODE 88HMN to go to this event’s registration page. All donors will receive a $10 eGift card for their help, and a $10 eGift card will be donated to Habitat For Humanity in their name.

Blood levels are at record lows right now so please do your part and give.


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(803) 587-3144

Nancy Road Digital Media Inc.

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