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Letter to the Editor: Let me provide some clarification

Pine Ridge, SC - 04/17/2021 (Kevin Nation) - Some things have been brought to my attention since announcing my candidacy for mayor for the Town of Pine Ridge that I feel I need to address.

First and foremost is my decision to seek the office and why I chose to do so. I will come right out and say it, I despise politics as a whole and I am not a politician by any means. However, I started following politics as a teenager and I have been intrigued ever since that time. Therefore, I do not need to be mayor or have to be mayor. I was approached by several in the community to consider running for the office and after mulling it over, I made my choice.

Secondly, and I realize I may be committing political suicide, but if the voters of Pine Ridge are seeking a “yes” man then I’m the wrong person for the job. I am not a part of the “good ole boys” system or the so-called establishment. I am not seeking endorsements from any organizations within the community and I am strictly putting my name out there for people to have an option, when they go to the poles in June.

Third, I believe that any government entity should be run as a business and not be used for political gain. I have no desire to seek a higher office or to use this as a stepping stone.

Finally, I have taken my oath very seriously in the past as a service member, law enforcement officer and most recently as a Department of the Army civilian. One of the things it says in the oath is, “I will carry out my duties to the best of my ability”.

I hope I have provided clarification on my intent and there is a better understanding of my desire to seek public office. If I am not what the voters of Pine Ridge are seeking for as mayor, please let me know so that I do not waste your time and efforts or mine as well.

Thank you, Kevin Nation

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