Lexington, SC 11/12/2021 (Paul Kirby) - Lexington County School District One will dedicate the new Pelion Middle School at 6 p.m. on Monday, November 15. The building project, which broke ground in April 2019, is located at 325 Main Street in Pelion.
Following the dedication service, guests may tour classrooms and other areas of the building.
PMS, which opened in January 2021, houses 96 staff members and more than 600 students in grades six through eight. The 210,000-square-foot building sits on 55 acres, directly off Highway 178, across from Pelion High School.
“We are fortunate to be able to continue our work in a new space while honoring the ideals and history established at our former school campus,” said PMS Principal Kailanya Brailey.
The design of the school promotes collaboration and a sense of community. The classrooms at PMS, as do all classrooms in Lexington One schools, support 21st century learning with access to various technology tools in a physical representation of the quality education all students deserve. The new campus features instructional amenities that ensure success for every child through core academics and exploratory offerings.
