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Lexington Police Department asking for public's help in catching hapless attempted burglary suspect

Lexington, SC – 04/13/2021 (Paul Kirby) – The Lexington Police Department is asking the public for help identifying a burglary suspect who just couldn’t get things to go his way. Recently, he tried to break into a Food Lion but if you look at the video from the business, he’s not yet mastered the breaking and entering part of his choice of crimes.

By the way this person is dressed, he’s got a grasp of some parts of being a criminal. He’s wearing all black with a black ski mask covering his face. If you’ll take a look, at least he’s got the cat burglar look down pat.

In order to conceal himself further, the would-be burglar uses a trash can, a sign, and some other loose items from in front of the store to build himself a makeshift wall. It appears he believes that this little barricade will conceal his activities from Lexington’s finest who patrol the area regularly. He’s just lucky he didn’t stay long because any police officer who wasn’t blindfolded would have spotted this guy.

After building his little hiding wall, the guy uses a rubber mallet and some other tool to try and break the tempered glass. That’s right, a rubber mallet. If he’s not caught soon and feels the need to continue his life of crime, perhaps the next thing he needs to steal should be a real hammer from a hardware store!

When this genius finally realizes he’s getting nowhere fast, and he shakes the glass enough to set off the building’s alarm, he gives up and runs back across the store’s parking lot to his vehicle. He parked it far enough away so that it might have been obscured from view if the lot had other vehicles parked in it. Unfortunately for him, it was after hours and video surveillance cameras caught his van’s profile just fine.

Please, take a look at the video yourself. Once you’ve picked yourself up and dusted off after you fall to the ground laughing, take a closer look at this guy and the vehicle. If you recognize him or his van in any way, please call Detective Vorvudhi at (803) 358-1514. Perhaps a judge can give him some time to get an education while he's hanging out in jail!

As always, the Lexington police Department appreciates your assistance in this matter.


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