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Proud to be an American on Lake Murray!

Lake Murray, SC (06/11/2021) - The Capital City/Lake Murray Country Regional Tourism Board is pleased to present to the Midlands, its resident, and visitors the Lake Murray’s 4th of July Celebration once again. This year the show is scheduled for Saturday, July 3rd.

The Boat Parade is back this year and will take place at 12 noon. Boats of all sizes and shapes are invited to register. This year’s theme is “Proud to be an American.”

“It’s always fun to see how creative people can get with flags, balloons, banners, and other unexpected decorations, says Miriam Atria, President/CEO of Capital City/Lake Murray Country Regional Tourism Board. This is one of our favorite events of the year!”

At dusk, fireworks will launch from two lake locations, Dreher Island and Spence Island. The fireworks show is synchronized to a patriotic music show. Tune into iHeart Media station 97.5 to hear the show.

“We began this holiday tradition in 1989 and today it has gained regional, statewide and national attention as South Carolina’s largest patriotic event and fireworks show. Join us on July 3rd to celebrate our country,” stated Atria.

For event details and to register for the Boat Parade, call (803) 781-5940 x200 visit or find us on Facebook at Lake Murray’s July 4th Celebration.

This event is sponsored by Lexington Medical Center, Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation, First Community Bank, Dominion Energy, Stewart Landing, Palm Beach Tan and iHeart Media/WCOS.


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