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SCGOP confirms and approves of the removal of the Lexington Republican Party's former chairwoman

Lexington, SC 12/15/2023 (Paul Kirby) – The Lexington County Republican Party has ousted its former Chairwoman Pamela Godwin with the help of the State GOP Party’s Rules Committee and the approval of the State GOP’S Executive Committee. The County’s GOP Executive Committee had already removed her by petition in August of this year. Now, Mark Weber has been appointed interim director.


In a release to the Lexington Party members and the press, Weber stated, “we are grateful that the South Carolina Republican Party did their due diligence in reviewing this matter and voting to remover the former chairwoman.”

 Godwin vacated her position on August 31, 2023, when legal action was filed in a local Magistrate’s Court against four members for fulfilling their duties as directed by the LCRP’s Executive Committee. The SCGOP has directed the County to have another election for chairman which they will do.


Weber invited all members and former members to return and become active again. He closed by saying, “Please come back and join us: we have a country, state, and community to save and next year we not only have the presidential election, but also every state legislative seat and local government elections. We will come together to advance the cause of conservatism.”


The next meeting of the Lexington County GOP will be held on January 15, 2024, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Flight Deck Restaurant at 109 Old Chapin Road in Lexington.


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