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South Congaree Municipal Election too close to call

South Congaree, SC 04/06/2022 (Paul Kirby) – The Town of South Congaree’s Municipal Election that was held yesterday, Tuesday, April 5, 2022, is too close to call until the absentee and provisional ballots are counted, and the election is certified. Although it appears as if Kitty Spires will claim one seat with 117 votes cast in her favor, the race for the second seat appears to be between incumbent Councilman Brian Jackson with 105 votes and challengers Jerry Smith with 102. With just a 3-vote margin, the absentee ballots could feasibly swing that race in Smith’s favor.

Incumbent Bobby Porter made a respectable showing in the race but appears to have lost his seat barring and major shakeup with the vote count. He received 94 votes, just 8 votes behind Smith, and 11 votes behind Jackson, but far enough behind that it is unlikely that absentee or provisional votes would bring him back into the race. According to the Lexington County Voter Registration and Election Commission, the results of the Town of South Congaree's Municipal Election will be certified tomorrow morning, Thursday, April 7, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. The official results will be posted immediately afterward.

Wednesday morning, Porter made the following statement to the Lexington Ledger via email. It read:

“I would like to thank the many people that supported me and in-turn The Town of South Congaree. It was an honor to represent this town. I congratulate the winners of yesterday's election and encourage the council to unite and move forward for better town and community. I will continue to work with our new town administration in these efforts. God Bless.” It was signed Bobby L. Porter.

Porter had already filed to run in the June Republican Primary for Lexington County Council District #9, a seat that is currently held by Todd Cullum or Cayce.


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