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The City of Cayce prepares for excessive rainfall, important contact information provided

Cayce, SC - In anticipation of heavy rainfall over the next 24 hours, the City of Cayce and the Cayce Department of Public Safety will be monitoring all areas of the city; especially those low lying areas that are more prone to flooding. The preparations should help to minimize the impact of the heavy rain that is expected as the remnants of hurricane Sally pass across the state.

Barricades have been made ready in the event that roadways need to be closed. Extra public safety officers are also on standby in case they are needed.

Additionally, the Cayce Swift Water Rescue Team is standing by and available. Their Parks Department has secured the Cayce Riverwalk, although there are no new closures at this time.

Cayce firefighters have checked their saws and other safety equipment has been prepared in case fire personnel need to assist with cutting downed trees if they are blocking roadways. City leaders are also asking citizens not to drive through flooded streets and heed all road barriers.

Citizens are urged to keep these phone numbers handy in the event they have an emergency or in a situation where specific assistance is needed.

1. For non-emergencies within the City of Cayce, please call 803-794-0567

2. To report a power outage, please call Dominion 1-888-333-4465

3. To report storm water or road problems, please call the SC Department of Transportation at 803-359-4103

You can follow the City of Cayce’s website and City social media sites for closures and updates.


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