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Three Lexington area girls award Girl Scouts of America's Gold Awards

Greenville, SC 05/17/2024 – Through the Gold Award, girls not only provide solutions that last to some of society’s biggest problems—like cleaner oceans, equity in girls’ education, and greater access to science and technology training—they grow more confident and strengthen skills that will carry them into a successful future in both school and their career.

While the Girl Scout Gold Award receives little publicity, it is the most prestigious award in the world for girls, the most difficult to earn, AND it is only available to Girl Scouts.

Gold Award Girl Scouts are making the world a better place. They are inspiring leaders whose Gold Award projects are impacting the world of STEM, education, agriculture, medicine, and on a local, national, or global level.

Girl Scouts who demonstrate outstanding leadership by initiating and completing sustainable service projects were recognized with the prestigious Girl Scout Gold Award in Belk Auditorium at Presbyterian College on Sunday, May 5, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.

Since 1916 Girl Scouts have been earning the Gold Award by making meaningful, sustainable change in their communities and around the world. The Girl Scout Gold Award acknowledges each recipient’s dedication to not only empowering and bettering herself but making the world a better place for others.


Gold Award Girl Scouts spend, on average, one to two years on each project. The requirements of the Gold Award are designed to strengthen each girl’s leadership skills, encourage her to explore career opportunities and to make a commitment to self-improvement.


These girls are inspirations to our communities. Three girls from the Lexington area were presented their gold awards. They were


Kendall Brown 

Location: Lexington

Contact: Lisa Brown <>

PWES Bird House Trail: More and more trees are being cut down and housing developments are being built in the Chapin, SC, area around Piney Woods Elementary School. Unfortunately, the local wildlife population is being affected, particularly birds. For the school trail, Kendall built ten birdhouses, some of which are specific to different bird species. Her project team built bird feeders and placed them outside of classroom windows allowing the students to learn about and enjoy watching the birds. By creating housing and food sources, the school qualified for wildlife habitat certification.  


Kyra Jones 

Location: Lexington

Hygiene Pantry for Underprivileged Children and Teens: Programs designed for low-income people, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and WIC, specifically for low-income women and children, don’t cover menstrual products, hygiene products, or diapers. Kyra addressed this problem by creating a community hygiene pantry for children and teens. Here, young people in her community will have access to hygiene products, period products, and diapers. Before her pantry, people may have had limited access to these items or have been unable to get them elsewhere in the community.  


Vivian Smith 

Location: Lexington

Overstimulated and Underrecognized: Vivian’s education-centered project focused on helping neurodivergent students in elementary school. They gathered sensory toys to fill bins for student use, as well as gathered and constructed binders of handout materials that can be copied to give to students. They were invited to speak at the monthly school district meeting and distributed all their materials at once. They then sent out a survey to measure the progress of neurodivergent students using these materials.  

1 Comment

May 19, 2024

LL thank you for covering the progress of these GS. Congratulations to the girls and the leaders !!!

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